Legal Framework for Social Economy and Social Enterprises

Comparative report on the distinctive features of the legal framework for social economy / social enterprises.

The report presents the key features of the social enterprise sector in Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, and Austria. It covers the relevant policies and measures (at national, regional, and local level) to promote social enterprises in those countries; synthesizes and presents good practices in the regulations and promotion of social enterprises in those countries.


The report was prepared under UNDP's “Social Economy: Innovative model of economic and social development in Slovakia” project supported by the European Social Fund. The project aimed to promote the role of social economy as an innovative tool for social inclusion of marginalized groups, civil society and community development in Slovakia. ECNL contributed to the project with the comparative study of existing models of social economy in selected countries of the EU, with an analysis of experiences and practices with establishment and functioning of the social economy.