Contracting out services to CSOs

Paper reviewing the various types of partnership between the state and private providers and the possibility for the state to involve CSOs in delivery of government tasks.

This paper starts with a theoretical discussion of what constitutes a government tasks in order to set the framework of areas and issue where CSOs can be contracted. Further, the paper outlines the funding issues and mechanisms through which CSOs are involved.

A stand-alone section of this paper is devoted to the topic of contracting government tasks to CSOs, issues and mechanisms that could or need to be considered. Next the paper provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation methods and practices.

The paper also describes the factors to be consider in contracting and how to ensuring harmonized approach in implementation of various financial mechanisms . Finally the paper recommends steps that the Mongolian stakeholders can undertake in developing the concept and possible legislation on this issue.

The paper has been prepared in response to Government of Mongolia intentions to reform the system of contracting government tasks and include civil society organization (CSOs), in the delivery of such tasks.