Just out: UN OHCHR Report on civic space in multilateral institutions

New report on CSO engagement in regional and international institutions.

In its resolution 32/31, the Human Rights Council requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a report compiling information on procedures and practices in respect of civil society involvement with regional and international organizations, including United Nations bodies, agencies, funds and programmes, and the contribution of civil society to their work, challenges and good practices. The recently published report emphasises that civil society engagement is key for meaningful international discussions, for decisions to be informed by what is happening on the ground, and for a full range of perspectives and experiences needed to be heard. Conclusions include good practices of policies and institutional arrangements that facilitate meaningful participation of civil society, but also numerous obstacles to the full and effective participation. Recommendations ask organizations and states to adopt concrete, practical and effective measures and frameworks for civil society participation, increase transparency, ensure safety of persons engaging with them and be more inclusive of vulnerable and underrepresented parts of civil society.

ECNL  has been supporting the UN OHCHR in its work on drafting the report through conducting research, submitting detailed overview of practices of multilateral institutions to include CSOs in their work, as well as convening side events on the topic. ECNL will remain engaged in these efforts and will be closely monitoring the implementation of this important report with its Civic Space Initiative partners.

Read the report 'Procedures and practices in respect of civil society engagement with international and regional organizations' here.