2022 NHRI Academy in Tirana on AI; video and next steps

The participants learned to assess the impact of AI on human rights, and how to take advantage of opportunities brought by digital technology for more effective promotion and protection of human rights.

From 20-24 June, participants from 20+ European and Central Asian countries joined the 2022 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) Academy in Tirana with the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights". ECNL's Senior Legal Advisor Francesca Fanucci was their lead trainer.

The event was organised by OSCE – ODIHR and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), in partnership with ECNL, the Danish Institute for Human Rights, the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and the Office of People’s Advocate of Albania.

ECNL’s sessions and interactive exercises at the Academy covered the following topics:

  • What is AI and How Does It Work? Facts and Myths  
  • Do we need new rights for new technologies?   
  • Existing International and Regional Human Rights Standards on AI 
  • Ongoing Regional Regulatory Initiatives on AI: the EU and Council of Europe
  • Human Rights Impact Assessment on AI: Introduction and Existing Models  

Watch the video below for more information on the 2022 Academy:


Video Url

Next steps

As part of the way forward following the Academy training, ENNHRI will work closely with ECNL to coordinate and mutually reinforce our advocacy within the negotiations of an AI treaty at the Council of Europe Committee on AI (both ENNHRI and ECNL are member participants, ECNL on behalf of the Conference of INGOs). 

Furthermore, each participating NHRI had to draft an individual Action Plan for the following year. Most of them expressed the wish to continue receiving training on this topic within their national office in order to empower their mandate of protection and promotion of human rights, including digital rights, and their advisory role to their governments.