Since we registered in the Hague in 2018, we have developed collaboration with national CSOs, CSO networks, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, members of the Parliament and municipalities. We complement their work by providing cutting-edge knowledge and latest analysis on new trends in civic freedoms, such as digital and online civic space, counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering policies and their impact on civil society, latest trends in philanthropy and giving and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic through progressive actions.
We connect advocacy and policy work from global and regional level to the Dutch context and work with Dutch partners to inform the European policies affecting civic freedoms.

2021 FATF evaluation of Netherlands to assess its compliance with the counter-terrorism financing and anti-money laundering measures: ECNL works with Dutch CSOs to raise awareness of the impact of CFT/AML measures on civil society and ensure any potential new regulation does not undermine or harm civic freedoms and CSO operating space.
CAHAI feasibility study of a regulatory framework for the Artificial Intelligence: We have been participating actively in these deliberations as a part of our wider work on AI and civic freedoms. Early 2021 is crucial for developing the regulatory framework as consultations are starting soon on national level. ECNL is reaching out and coordinating this national consultation process with Dutch CSOs. We also alert them about regulatory framework efforts on AI on the EU level and advise them when, where and how they can provide input in the process.
Tech and civic freedoms: we are co-designing a series of events and education modules on the impact of technology on society in order to bring the legal and policy debate closer to Dutch civil society and general public.
We are keen to engage more with our Dutch partners. Reach out to us to discuss possibilities for collaboration!
ECNL contributed to the following legal and policy framework debates:
- Regulation of CSOs: A detailed analysis on the draft Act on Transparency of Civil Society Organizations in close cooperation with Dutch law experts and CSOs (2019) and an analysis on why the second version of the draft may not be in line with European and international standards (2020);
- Tracking and informing legislative initiatives related to the COVID-19 health crisis, such as the temporary Corona-app law (Tijdelijke wet Notificatieapplicatie Covid-19) and Temporary Corona law (Tijdelijke wet maatregelen Covid-19):
- Een corona-app kan onze vrijheid onder druk zetten: opinion article by ECNL's Legal Advisor Berna Keskindemir in Het Parool on contact tracing in the Netherlands and its possible implications on human rights and democracy (in Dutch).
- Analysis on how the Temporary Corona Law (Tijdelijke wet maatregelen Covid-19) may affect freedom of assembly.
Together with our Dutch partners we (co)organise workshops to raise awareness and increase capacity on key trends affecting civic freedoms:
- Digital security: workshop session with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CSO partners (Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP), Oxfam Novib, Free Press Unlimited) on digital security and how the digital rights legal landscape has changed in light of COVID-19;
- Counter-terrorism: a panel discussion at the 2019 Hague International Open Day on how counterterrorism measures impact human rights defenders.
National Networks
ECNL is an observing member of:
- BMO (Breed Mensenrechten Overleg) network, a Netherlands-based CSO network focusing on the foreign policy, civic freedoms and human rights.