Armenian Ministry of Labor Ddrafts Code on Consultation and Participation

ECNL supports the development of the Code.

The Armenian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs launched a process to draft a Code Code of Cooperation and Participation between the Ministry and local CSOs. On April 15, ECNL facilitated a meeting of the Ministry working group to support the development of the Code. The Code aims to set out the principles and procedure for sharing information, consulting and involving CSOs in processes of development of policies, laws and regulations. At the meeting ECNL provided its comments to the draft Code and shared international experience. The project is led by the Ministry of Labor in cooperation with ECNL’s local partner the Professionals for Civil Society NGO.

This activity is conducted under ECNL project “Strengthening the Legal Framewok for Citizen Action”, financed by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).