Belgrade conference on the institutional mechanism for government-CSO partnership

Improving partnerships in Serbia.

On January 29, 2009, The Deputy Prime Minister's Team for the Implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Civic Initiatives hosted a conference in Belgrade on an enabling institutional mechanism for Government-CSO partnership.

The conference was the last in series of events organized throughout Serbia to present the report: The Institutional Mechanism for Government-CSO Partnership: Comparative Experience and Recommendations for Serbia, co-authored by ECNL's Senior Legal Advisor, Dragan Golubovic.

Participants included government officials, representatives of CSOs, representatives of local municipalities, and other key stakeholders. Mr. Golubovic presented major findings in the report and recommendations thereof, as well as next steps that need to be undertaken in order to develop a partnership mechanism in Serbia. Ms. Lindsey Driscoll, the former regulator with the Charity Commission in UK, and a member of the Board of ICNL (ECNL's affiliate organization), also participated in the event. She provided feedback on the report against the background of the UK goverment -CSOs partnership experience.