Budapest conference on innovative ways to enhance local development in Central and Eastern Europe

The aim was to examine innovative methods of financing with case studies within a Hungarian and a broader European context.

On April 17-18, 2008 Euclid organized a conference in Budapest on exploring multi-stakeholder approaches to enhance local development, with a special focus on the partnership between financial institutions and the third sector. Key topics included:

  • social finance
  • corporate social responsibility
  • social investments
  • social enterprise
  • accountability and transparency
  • leadership .

The event aimed to create a forum for European leaders from public, business and third sectors, and multilateral organisations to network, share best practice and create partnerships. The conference was hosted as part of Euclid Network's programme for Leadership Development in Central and Eastern Europe and was possible thanks to CIB Bank, a bank of Intesa Sanpaolo commitment toward local development developed in partnership with other stakeholders.