CONCORD publishes Reader on PRAG 2010

The Reader assists CSOs in understanding the rules of EU funding.

CONCORD, the European NGO confederation for Relief and Development representing 1,800 NGOs across Europe, publishes the 2012 Reader on PRAG 2010. The Reader comments on each article of the 2010 Practical Guide with 2011 amendments. It was compiled in 2012 by the CONCORD “Funding for Development and Relief” (FDR) working group (subgroup on Financial Regulation, which ECNL is a member to) through regular meetings with unit R3 – Legal Affairs – within the European Commission’s Development and Cooperation Office EuropeAid – DEVCO.

While the core report has been formally endorsed by EuropeAid’s unit R3 in May 2012, the annexes haven’t and are indicative. The final interpretation of the rules always falls within the mandate of the European Commission and EU Delegations. The new Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Actions was issued in January 2012.