Consultations on the draft Strategy of the Government for Cooperation with CSOs in Macedonia

ECNL is key expert in the team that prepared the draft Strategy and conducts the consultation.

The Unit for Cooperation with NGOs in the General Secretariat of the Government of Macedonia, is organizing online consultations as well as meetings with civil society organizations to solicit their opinion on the draft Strategy of the Government for Cooperation with Civil Sector (2012-2017).

The meetings will be held in five cities in Macedonia, Struga (16.01.2012), Gostivar, (17.01.2012), Stip (18.01.2012), Skopje (20.01.2012) and Prilep (23.01.2012). Parallel the text is discussed within the Ministries.

ECNL's support is implemented under the project "Technical Support for the Department for Cooperation with NGOs in the General Secretariat" funded by the European Union (IPA 2008).