Contribute to the future EU Policy on CSOs in Development Cooperation!

DG DEVCO is articularly seeking contributions from local CSOs in partner countries.

From EU DG DEVCO web site:

CSOs are increasingly recognized as key players in promoting democratic governance, equitable development and inclusive growth. However, in many countries they also face increasing challenges relating to the restricting legal and political space in which they operate.

In the context of the preparation for this policy, the Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid (DG DEVCO) will undertake stakeholder consultations. The purpose of this online consultation is to gather views and good practices in relation to the key themes of the consultation paper. These themes are the following:

  • CSOs and development effectiveness principles;
  • Challenges related to a shrinking legal and regulatory space for CSO action;
  • Promoting the participation of CSOs in public policy processes and in domestic accountability;
  • Enhancing CSO internal capacity;
  • CSO internal governance and accountability;
  • Towards a consistent EU engagement with local CSOs at country level;
  • 'New areas for reflection'.

CSOs and other stakeholders are therefore invited to respond to the questions in this consultation paper. We are particularly seeking contributions from local CSOs in partner countries. Contributions in English, French or Spanish should be sent to [email protected]

The contribution must be sent before the 7th of May 2012.

The contributions will be analysed and summarised in a report that will be published on the website of DG DEVCO by end of July 2012.