Council of Europe Recommendation on the legal status of NGOs

This is the first international legal instrument that targets the legislator, the national authorities and the NGOs themselves.

On October 10, 2007 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation to member states on the legal status of non-governmental organisations in Europe (CM/Rec(2007)14). This is the first international legal instrument that targets the legislator, the national authorities and the NGOs themselves. It aims to recommend standards to shape legislation and practice, and defines the minimum standards to be respected concerning the creation, management and the general activities of NGOs in member states of the organisation.

CMRec(2007)14 is substantially and consistently promoted by the Conference of INGOs,  notably through the work of the Expert Council on NGO Law,  which uses the Recommendation as a strong point of reference and a bedrock for defending and expanding the multiple roles of civil society in Council of Europe Member States. The Conference encourages all civil society organizations throughout Europe to cite and make use of the Recommendation  in their dealings with governmental authorities at all levels.