Creating new opportunities: regional conference on government and civil society relations, Georgia

The event aimed to strengthen relations through increased capacity of local stakeholders and to help improve the legal and policy framework.

ECNL in collaboration with Civil Society Institute, Georgia, organized a two-day event on the topic: "Creating New Opportunities: Regional Conference on Government-Civil Society Relations". The conference convened government representatives, local CSO practitioners, experts, and donor agencies to facilitate regional networking and experience sharing. The participants considered European comparative experience as shared by government officials and experts from England, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Estonia.

The conference covered topics such as the regulatory framework for Government and Civil Society relations, governmental strategies for the support of Civil Society organizations, institutional mechanisms for cooperation with Civil Society organizations, public funding for Civil Society organizations, and mechanisms for public participation at both the national and local levels. The conference was hosted at Bazaleti Lake in Georgia.

The event was organized for participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova under ECNL project - Strengthening the Legal Framewok for Citizen Action, financed by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).