ECNL contributes to CSOs in Development Consultation

The European Commission has sought the views of CSOs and other stakeholders on the future policy of the EU with regard to support to CSOs in partner countries in the field of development cooperation.

The Consultation closed on May 7, 2012. The purpose of the online consultation was to gather views and good practices in relation to the key themes of the consultation paper:

  • CSOs and development effectiveness principles;
  • challenges related to a shrinking legal and regulatory space for CSO action;
  • promoting the participation of CSOs in public policy processes and in domestic accountability;
  • enhancing CSO internal capacity;
  • CSO internal governance and accountability;
  • towards a consistent EU engagement with local CSOs at country level;
  • 'new areas for reflection'.

ECNL prepared its submission highlighting the issues important for the non-profit sector, e.g. enabling environment and indicators, CSO participation, cooperation, mass media and new media role. ECNL also contributed with its input to the submission by Concord network. The policy will be announced later in 2012.