In Glasgow, ECNL made the case for a participatory approach in resolving the climate crisis and the importance an open civic space to step up climate action.

ECNL is proud to have participated at this year’s COP26, organising a side event with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia, SeaTrust Institute and the International Environmental Communication Association to discuss the power of meaningful participation in climate action.


COP26 flyer with event title: Solving the climate crisis together.  Text with summary of objectives, name of speakers and logistical info. Graphic of people embracing the globe and leaves.

Climate policies must be ambitious and developed in a transparent way. To achieve this, we need meaningful partnership, where people who are most affected by the crisis have a seat at the table and are actually listened to.

Our speakers highlighted how such effective participation can be ensured, presented collaborative models to improve citizen participation, quoted key challenges climate defenders face worldwide and what COP26 leaders can do to promote meaningful engagement in the climate debate.


Watch the recording of the session here:

Video Url


And here is our Twitter thread with the key takeaways from the discussion.

ECNL's Eszter Hartay and Ivana Rosenzweigova also wrote a blog encouraging COP26 delegates to take the pledge for an open civic space, read it on OpenGlobalRights.