EU launches landmark Human Rights and Democracy Strategy

This is the first time that the European Union has had a unified Strategic Framework for this vital policy area, with such a wide-ranging plan of action for its implementation.

The Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union adopted on Monday 25th June two fundamental documents for the development of the human rights policy of the European Union: a Strategic Framework and an Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy. It also emphasized the importance of having an EU Special Representative on Human Rights, which will be appointed swiftly.

"Human rights are one of my top priorities and a silver thread that runs through everything that we do in external relations. With this comprehensive package we want to enhance the effectiveness and visibility of EU human rights policy. In order to help put the Framework and the Action Plan into practice, I have also proposed the appointment of an EU Special Representative on Human Rights and I look forward to a swift appointment," said Catherine Ashton, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice- President of the European Commission, upon adoption of the package.

The Framework sets out principles, objectives and priorities, all designed to improve the effectiveness and consistency of EU policy as a whole in the next ten years. They provide an agreed basis for a truly collective effort, involving EU Member States as well as the EU Institutions. The Strategic Framework also anchors a commitment to genuine partnership with civil society. The Framework is also designed to be as readable as possible, so as to be accessible to all citizens. The Framework also reinforces the EU's commitment to the promotion of freedom of expression, opinion, assembly and association, as "democrarcy cannot exist without these rights."

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