Global Trends in NGO Law: Freedom of Assembly

ICNL's latest issue of Global Trends in NGO Law addresses laws that restrict the freedom of citizens and groups to exercise their right to assemble peacefully.

Recent weeks and months have witnessed the transformational power of public protest, demonstration and assembly. Unfortunately, however, the law is too often used to narrow the space for assembly. These restrictions include:

  • Bans on public gatherings;
  • Requirements of advance notification amounting to permission;
  • Excessive government discretion in decision-making;
  • Restrictions relating to the substantive focus of public gatherings;
  • Restrictions relating to who may participate in public gatherings;
  • Burdensome liabilities placed on organizers of public gatherings;
  • Limits on public statements;
  • Criminal punishments against those who violate legal requirements; and
  • The use of disproportionate force against the organizers.

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