Improving Relations between State and CSOs: A Necessary Prerequisite of Sustainable Reforms

Workshop in Zagreb to enhance cooperation between state institutions so that they can effectively track the progress in creating an enabling environment for civil society development.

The Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs and Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs - Centre for Excellence organized a regional workshop in Zagreb on November 22. The workshop was a follow-up event to similar regional meetings (Zadar, September 2012 and Ankara, April 2013) and aimed to enhance cooperation between state institutions so that they can effectively track the progress in creating an enabling environment for civil society development, one of the core focus points of ECNL’s mission.

In addition to representatives of state bodies responsible for cooperation with CSOs from Western Balkan countries and Turkey, the workshop gathered international organizations/donor agencies and several international CSO experts, including ECNL.

The meeting focused on the European Commission - DG Enlargement draft Guidelines for support to civil society in the enlargement countries 2014-2020. The draft includes a set of indicators for the EU support to civil society, which will allow for the measurement of progress at country level as well as across the enlargement region. It emphasizes the importance of achieving an environment that is conducive to civil society activities and of building the capacity of CSOs to be effective and accountable independent actors – crucial aspects that have always been in the forefront of ECNL’s activities.

ECNL welcomed that stakeholders at the meeting agreed to draw up a plan of activities for 2014, which may facilitate better implementation of regular self-assessment initiatives of the progress in the cooperation between state institutions and CSOs. Among others these activities include a new internet platform that enables regular access to latest information on recent developments in area of civil society development in enlargement countries, the promotion of EC/DG Guidelines at country level as well as the introduction of Annual Civil Society Enabling Environment Awards.

ECNL provided expert comments and took part in consultation meetings concerning the EU Guidelines, continues to support collaboration between public authorities and CSOs, and will remain closely involved in upcoming developments.