MEPs vote in favor of a European Foundation Statute

ECNL welcomes this significant development, which represents an important milestone for the Statute as a democratic expression of the will of Europe’s citizens.

On July 2, 2013 Members of the European Parliament voted by a large majority in support of a resolution for a European Foundation Statute, which will make it easier for foundations to support citizens’ initiatives across Europe.

The proposed Statute must now be adopted unanimously by the Council. ECNL's partner, the European Foundation Centre (EFC), an association representing more than 200 public-benefit foundations and corporate funders active in philanthropy in Europe and beyond, has been advocating tor the Statute for years. ECNL is pleased and honoured to have EFC's Legal Counsel, Ms Hanna Surmatz on its Supervisory Board and we look forward to continuing work on this initiative together.