Recommendations to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its Moldova Strategy

The recommendations identified some optional target areas where Hungarian civil sector could contribute with added value.

ECNL, as one of the member organizations of the Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid (HAND), assisted the platform in drafting recommendations to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its official development assistance (ODA) strategy for Moldova.

The recommendations identified some optional target areas where Hungarian civil sector could contribute to the Hungarian ODA in Moldova with an added value and provided input on the key aspects of building up an effective mid-term strategy for development cooperation so that it is well-targeted and does not duplicate the activities of other bi- and multilateral donors. In addition, the paper provided a sample set-up for a strategy - together with aimes, objectives, program areas, outcomes and indicators - that features priority issues for CSOs, such as: strengthening of local democracy, NGO capacity building, increasing sustainability, public participation and conflict management.