Round table on Romanian civil society and structural funds in Bucharest

ECNL presented the policy issues and principles regarding direct public funding of CSOs.

On March 20, 2006, Civil Society Development Foundation Romania and CENTRAS hosted a round table event titled "Romanian Civil Society and the Structural Funds". The event is part of the USAID Civil Society Strenghtening Project, in which ECNL is an implementing partner of World Learning.

The goal of the round table was to examine possibilities of Romanian CSOs in light of the National Development Plan 2007-13 and the Structural and Cohesion Funds. The round table provided an opportunity to discuss the current state of affairs in Romania, as well as experiences of the new member states regarding issues such as the principle of participation and the involvement of CSOs in programming, implementing and monitoring the operational programmes, accessibility of strucutral funds for CSOs and CSOs capacity development.