Send your comments on the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment

Contribute to developing a monitoring tool that corresponds to the needs of enlargement countries.

From BCSDN website:

The aim of the Monitoring Matrix is to provide CSOs with an effective monitoring and advocacy tool for consolidating the legislative and especially the implementation of enabling environment to be in place for a vibrant, effective and developed civil society sector in the region.

The groundbreaking work has been undertaken by 10 CSO practitioners / experts from the Balkans in partnership and support by ECNL.

The development of this monitoring tool has provoked great interest among civil society and stakeholders and before turning into an advocacy tool-kit, BCSDN considers it important that all interested organizations, institutions and individuals provide comments and suggestions etc. to ensure that the tool is useful, realistic and corresponds to the needs of enlargement countries.

Therefore, please send your comments and suggestions to BCSDN's Executive Office at [email protected] by 15th November.