Study tour on government-CSO relationships for participants from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

This training program gave an opportunity for CSO experts from Central Asia to examine the legal framework of the Hungarian nonprofit sector with an outlook to the good European practices and in comparison to their local reality.

Between August 31 and September 4, 2009 ECNL hosted a study tour on Successful Mechanisms for Government-CSO Relationships for a group of CSO representatives from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This training program gave an opportunity for CSO experts from Central Asia

  • to examine the legal framework of the Hungarian nonprofit sector with an outlook to the good European practices and in comparison to their local reality;
  • to study the international law standards relating to Freedom of Association; to visit Hungarian government officials and CSOs; and
  • to learn about issues connected to CSOs' sustainability and government-CSO relationships.

The participants from Uzbekistan represented a wide range of organizations from Legal Problems Research Center, Business Women's Association, the National Association of CSOs and others.

This study tour was implemented under USAID's Central Asia NGO Legal Framework Program. It was made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents were the sole responsibility of ICNL and ECNL and did not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.