Summit on partnerships between higher education institutions and businesses in Hungary

ECNL presented the legal and fiscal issues and practices of giving in Hungary.

On June 27, the United States Embassy in Budapest, the Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission, and the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary hosted a Summit "The Higher Education for Hungary's Future: Bringing Business and Educators Together". The event brought together U.S. experts on engaging private sector support in the United States, leaders of Hungary's largest institutions of higher education, Hungarian policymakers engaged in education reform, and representatives of multinational corporations in Hungary to discuss ways through which Hungary's academic institutions can benefit from partnerships with the private sector, in order to combine the talents and resources and improve the quality of the programs offered by these institutions. Speakers included: Mr. Mark S. Wrighton. Wrighton (Chancellor of Washington University), Mr. David Mortensen (Director of Corporate and External Relations of the University of Honolulu) and representatives of AmCham, GE, Alcoa.