Synthesis Report of Submissions to the Public Consultation on the Review of the Financial Regulation

The report provides a short summary of public feedback based on the 235 submissions received from citizens, NGOs and public authorities.

A Synthesis Report of the Submissions to the Public Consultation on the Review of the Financial Regulation is now available at the Consultation's webpage.  It provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of reflections on the questions asked by the Commission.

Among the key issues raised by the contributors were:

  • the need for more flexibility in co-financing requirement depending on the nature of project,
  • consideration of the in-kind contributions,
  • more flexibility in the interpretation of the non-profit rule,
  • the need to improve the application procedures and dissatisfaction with the payment schemes.

The Commission has identified two major topics of the consultation: grants and the Commission’s handling of financial files. The contributors were invited to submit their opinions on 11 questions suggested by the Commission as well as to reflect on other issues. By mid-2010 the Commission will make its proposal for the review of the Financial Regulation.

Following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the future FR will be adopted jointly by the European Parliament and Council, after the opinion of the Court of Auditors (art. 322 TFUE). At the same time, the Implementing Rules (IR) of the FR will be proposed by the Commission, and should be adopted in accordance with Article 290 TFUE). More information is available from the Public Consultation's webpage.