Two more state bodies adopt codes to support public participation in policy making in Armenia

ECNL continues to support improving participatory processes in the country.

The Armenian Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Health adopted their own “Code of Participatory Cooperation” to promote and strengthen information sharing, consultation and involvement of CSOs and the general public in the process of development of policies and other acts of these bodies. The process was facilitated and supported by PFCS Armenia, with the assistance of ECNL and BCNL.

The adoption of these codes was inspired by the “Code of Participatory Cooperation between RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and Public Organizations”. ECNL and its partners continue to provide support to other ministries in adopting such codes and promoting participation. In addition, the Professionals for Civil Society NGO (PFCS) is leading local efforts for adoption of similar code on government level.

This activity is conducted under ECNL's project “Strengthening the Legal Framework for Citizen Action”, supported by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).