Webinar: EU Law and Civic Space

Our joint workshop with Philanthropy Advocacy to learn and discuss how to use EU law to defend fundamental rights and civic space in the EU.

Event flyer with a drawing of the EU flag, scales of justice and a person holding an exclamation mark. Summary of the event, names of speakers and logistical info.

What can civil society organisations including philanthropic organisations (CSOs) do when their fundamental rights to associate, operate, express views, seek and provide information, receive funding or fund and campaign get restricted by a national policy measure? When and how can EU law offer support to defend the space? What are the legal avenues available for litigation based on EU law at national and EU?

Earlier this year, we (ECNL, EFC and DAFNE) published a Handbook and are now inviting you to join an online workshop to learn and discuss how to use EU law to defend your rights and civic space in the EU.

In June 2020 the European Court of Justice ruled that Hungary’s 2017 so-called “foreign-funding” restrictions violate EU law, including fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Hear from Hungarian and other CSOs who have been using EU law in litigation processes or as arguments towards national policy makers and discuss own cases with your peers.

Join ECNL and Philanthropy Advocacy, a joint Dafne and EFC Project, on November 17th 3-5 PM CET for a webinar on “How to Use EU Law to Protect Civic Space”. Register here by November 10th.