Where to find ECNL at RightsCon 2023?

Join us at the 12th edition of RightsCon in Costa Rica, the global summit on human rights in the digital age.
ECNL at RightsCon 2023, join us in Costa Rica or online for the 12th edition, June 5-8, 2023

5 June 2023  

Online Regional Meetup (MENA, Africa, Latam, Europe) 

7.00-8.00 am CST, 15.00-16.00 CET 

ECNL role: Host of the European meetup 

Location: Online (Link to join: https://rightscon.summit.tc/t/rightscon-costa-rica-2023/events/online-regional-meetup-mena-africa-latam-europe-8qTSiFTeG8pmWKZanxvqEy )

Meetups provide a space for the RightsCon community to connect and network with other regional partners and build trusted relationships before RightsCon begins. Each facilitator will be seated at a table marked with their region for the duration of the hour, and participants are welcome to rotate in and out of open seats at available tables.  


Side event on DSA risk assessments (invite only)

15.15-17.30 CST

ECNL role: Co-host with Access Now 

Location: Wyndham San José Herradura

Access Now and ECNL are developing practical recommendations for ensuring meaningful risk assessments under the Digital Services Act (DSA). We will gather experts from civil society, academia and companies for a closed-door roundtable where we will present our ongoing work and request feedback. 


6 June 2023 

Mind the Gap: Private Capital challenges in right-respecting investments (hosted by BHRCC)

10:15-11:15 CST

ECNL role: Speaker 

Location: Heredia Room at Costa Rica Convention Center (CRCC)

Through a multi-stakeholder, private meeting between government, civil society and private capital investors, session will explore the human rights risks connected to private investment in tech, as well as discuss and identify practical and concrete ways to overcome the challenges that private capital investors have when applying human rights due diligence in the pursuit of rights-respecting investments. 


7 June 2023 

ECNL/CELE RC side event on stakeholder engagement, FOE & AI (invite only)

15.00-19.00 CST, 15.00-17.30 Meeting & 17.30-19.00 Reception

ECNL role: Co-host with CELE 

Location: Wyndham San José Herradura 

This closed workshop dives into the need for meaningful multi-stakeholder collaboration and engagement with civil society in identifying the impacts, opportunities and challenges of AI systems on the rights to freedom of expression, information, assembly, and association (core civic freedoms). It aims to build capacity and collaboration of regional civil society actors.

8 June 2023

Co-creating the online spaces we want in a (Fe)diverse and decentralized internet 

9.00-10.00 CST

ECNL role: Co-host with CELE 

Location: Tortuga Room at CRCC

This interactive session will explore the challenges and opportunities of the ‘fediverse’ as well as emerging technologies such as web3. Can web3 truly function as a decentralised system and advance public interest and civic space, in a world built around centralised power, money and influence? Following the interventions from platform representatives and civil society, participants will actively contribute through breakout groups.

Engagement on our terms! A civil society manifesto for meaningful engagement in AI (invite only)

12.45-13.45 CST

ECNL role: Co-host with Access Now 

Location: Online

At this session ECNL will present the Framework for Meaningful Engagement to the global digital rights community gauging strategic input towards a civil society manifesto for meaningful engagement in AI.