Workshop on effective government-CSO cooperation in Budapest

The aim of the workshop is to build capacity of government officials dealing with civil society in their respective countries and open the door to exchange experiences concerning the civil society.

In the course of the HAND Presidency Program ECNL organized a 1,5 day regional workshop on the 22nd and 23rd of June under the title of "Improving Government- CSO cooperation for effective local development".

The specific objective of the workshop was to make the work of government officials dealing with CSOs more effective through sharing best practices, experiences and knowledge, as well as providing a space to network and build contacts from across the region.

15 government officials represented countries of the Central and Eastern European region (Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries and New Member States). While the first day of the workshop was held with participation of the government delegates only, on the second half day around 20-30 civil society experts and CSO representatives from Hungary also participated to share experiences from Hungary.