Civil society law Summer Seminar in Budapest

The Seminar provided an opportunity to 15 partners of the ECNL/ICNL network from the CEE and NIS region to expand their knowledge and expertise in the area of civil society law.

Between 12-14 July 2007 ECNL organized a Civil Society Law Summer Seminar in Budapest, Hungary.  Participants arrived from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Armenia, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia. U.S. Ambassador April H. Foley and USAID representative Susan Kutor welcomed participants at the opening dinner reception. The Seminar focused on themes including:

  • the freedom of association as protected by international law
  • the enabling framework and NGO sustainability
  • mechanisms for public financing of NGOs
  • legal framework for public benefit organizations
  • regulatory treatment of economic activities.

Participants learned from their colleagues and engaged in discussions thereby making full use of the opportunities offered by this successful training. As a proof of the immediate networking impact of the seminar, participants created their own mailing list shortly after the event to share experiences in specific NGO-law related issues.