Consultation on the AI Scientific Panel and the Global Dialogue on AI Governance

As part of the Global Digital Compact process, together with Global Partners Digital we highlight the importance of rights-based processes with meaningful civic participation, when creating mechanisms that shape the future of global AI policy.

With Global Partners Digital (GPD), our joint letter was submitted to the UN mission of Costa Rica and Spain as co-facilitators in the Global Digital Compact (GDC) implementation context. The consultations help identify the terms of reference and modalities for the establishment and functioning of the Independent International Scientific Panel on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Global Dialogue on AI Governance in the context of the GDC.

These mechanisms will play a crucial role in shaping the future of global AI policy. Creating conditions for meaningful civil society participation in these processes is essential for a rights-based, democratic and effective global AI governance framework.

We welcome the commitment to ensuring meaningful representation of public interest civil society organisations, as well as human rights and democracy expertise, within these initiatives. Civil society expertise has been instrumental in researching and documenting real-life human rights impacts of AI systems and advocating for responsible AI governance. This expertise will remain critical for the effective functioning of the AI Scientific Panel and the Global Dialogue on AI Governance.

Download the full response with our detailed recommendations on how this can be ensured below.