Civil society joint brief on the UN Global Digital Compact

ECNL joins Access Now and other CSOs to express our concerns regarding the state of the GDC from a human rights perspective.

ECNL, along with 20+ civil society organisations, highlights what is at stake for internet governance and human rights in the UN Global Digital Compact (GDC) in a new joint brief. We highlight the areas and aspects of greatest concern including:

  • Human rights and gender; 
  • Support for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; 
  • Inclusive approaches to internet governance; 
  • Consistency in terminology; and 
  • Decentralisation of power.  

We release this because the GDC outcome document, as it stands, does not reflect the reality of what we see on the ground and in our diverse communities across the contexts of the Global Majority and Global North. 

The GDC is set to be adopted in September 2024 during the UN Summit for the Future.