Croatian Parliament Committees discuss draft proposal of Law on Volunteering

Among other issues, the draft law includes a definition of volunteering which clearly differentiates volunteering from an employment relationship.

The Croatian Government adopted the final draft proposal of the Law on Volunteering and the Parliament Committees are currently discussing the text. ECNL supported the Ministry of Family, Veteran Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity, CSOs and other local partners in the finalizing the draft.

The draft law clarifies the conditions in which a volunteer contract is necessary and lists the rights and duties of both the volunteer and the host organization. As a result, volunteers will be able to clearly define their relationship with NGOs and other entities for whom they volunteer.

ECNL activities to support the development of the draft law, were implemented under the USAID's Support for Croatia's Non-Governmental Sector (CroNGO) Project, implemented by the Academy for Educational Development (AED).