Danish EU Presidency conference addresses enabling environment issues

The event focused on human rights and civil society in EU external policies.

During the Danish EU Presidency, Concord Denmark hosted an International CSO Conference; "Civil Society Organisations, Human Rights and Development", in Copenhagen on March 14-15, 2012.

The event focused on three main themes for which participants prepared recommendations:

  1. Support for human rights and civil society in EU external policies
  2. EU policies and an enabling environment for Civil Society Action
  3. Humanitarian space and the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid

The conference included follow-up discussions on the relevant conclusions from the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan and the results of the so-called Structured Dialogue (Quadrilogue) process, which aims to define civil society’s role in EU development policy, and discuss the role of civil society in Ashton’s new human rights and democracy communication and the revised European Neighborhood Policy and Agenda.