The intersection of new and emerging technologies with the exercise of the right to peaceful assembly has been widely acknowledged by global and regional human rights standards. However, with new digital opportunities also come new challenges. Join ECNL's webinar, co-organised with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, to discuss how we can safeguard digital assemblies and online protests.
1:00 pm: Making a difference: conversations with activists.
Prof. Azadeh Akbari, author of the report "Iran: Digital Spaces of Protest and Control" interviews:
- Francisco Javier Vera Manzanares, Colombian climate activist;
- Patrick Allam from Spaces for Change, Nigeria about the #ENDSARS protests; and
- Elaheh Kouhestani from Berlin's Woman, Life, Freedom Collective.
2:00 pm: The role of the UN and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms to strengthen and defend assembly / association in the digital space.
- Clément Voule, UN Special Rapporteur;
- Commissioner Joel Hernández García, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights;
- Stefano Montanari, on behalf of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights; and
- Hon. Rémy Ngoy Lumbu, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.
3:30 pm: Civil society and monitoring freedom of peaceful assembly in a digital world: how can we do it better?
Learn more about how civil society and non-tech organisations can contribute to protecting digital assemblies. Join the closing session with presentations of the results of monitoring digital assemblies in Armenia, North Macedonia and Serbia and an open discussion how we can further improve this process.
Download the full invitation below: