ECNL hosted a study visit on enabling legal framework for CSOs

The aim of the study visit was to provide an insight to Russian lawyers into the legal issues pertinent for nonprofits.

On February 23-27 ECNL hosted a group of lawyers and CSO representatives from Russia. 11 participants from the Moscow office of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) and a network of lawyers "Lawyers for Civil Society" participated in the study visit.

The aim of the study visit was to provide an insight into the legal issues pertinent for non-profits. Hungarian and EU experience of CSO legislation, internal CSO management, organizing pro bono legal services for individuals and CSOs were considered. The agenda combined lectures by prominent legal and CSO experts from Hungary and abroad with the on site visits to the Hungarian and international counterpart organizations.

The participants mentioned examples from their practice of working with NGOs in Russia and also shared information about legal provisions governing the NGOs' work. ECNL received a very positive feedback from the group regarding the program of the study visit. As one of the participants wrote:

"We want to thank you dearly for the successful study tour “Enabling Legal Framework for Civil Society Organizations” organized by ECNL office for ICNL Moscow office and LCS lawyers. This tour means a real STUDY for all of us and your merit is the most interesting, instructive and useful agenda which included all kind of presentations and meetings with International and Hungarian NGOs."

The participants represented two organisations: Moscow office of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) and a network of lawyers "Lawyers for Civil Society." Lawyers for Civil Society organization was founded in 2006. Among organization's objectives is to protect common interests and rights of its members in the government and other authorities in accordance to the law of the Russian Federation; assist partnership members in carrying out their activities directed at uniting lawyers for civil society and also for protecting citizens’ and non-commercial associations’ rights and interests according to the law. The lawyers are experienced practicing specialists, most of them assisting Russian CSOs for minimum 3 years.