ECNL supports development of Strategy for Volunteering in Macedonia

The new draft of the Strategy is currently distributed for consultation to a wider group of stakeholders.

ECNL is supporting the Macedonian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in developing a Strategy for Promotion of Volunteering. The first draft Strategy was discussed with local NGOs, volunteers and state institutions on March 31, 2008. The development of the Strategy follows the adoption of the Law on Volunteering. ECNL supported the development of the structure of the Strategy and its content.

The new draft of the Strategy is currently distributed for consultation to a wider group of stakeholders. ECNL cooperates with the Center for Institutional Development (CIRa) in efforts to further develop the strategy and solicit input from wider group of NGOs, volunteers and state institutions.

The draft Strategy provides an overview of the situation with volunteering in Macedonia, an analysis of the legal framework and description of international documents that regulate and promote volunteering. The draft Strategy introduces a framework for promotion of volunteering by suggesting several actions such as: promoting volunteering through the educational system, organizing national campaigns to promote volunteering in the public and undertaking efforts to recognize current volunteers, through providing national awards and other measures. The draft Strategy also recommends the establishment of a National Board for Development of Volunteering which should be responsible to develop annual plans and coordinate the implementation of the Strategy.