Georgia: What does the Implementing Regulation of the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence bring?

Briefer by ICNL and ECNL on how the law will be enforced and what the key provisions are for CSOs and media.

The Law On Transparency of Foreign Influence was adopted in Georgia in May 2024. It triggered widespread domestic and international criticism due to its effects on civic freedoms in the country. Although the law was vetoed by the President, the Parliament overrode the veto, and the law has entered into force. It is currently being challenged in the Constitutional Court. 

Many provisions in the law and regulation on how to implement it remain vague and confusing. So what can CSOs and media organisations expect? In this review of the Implementing Regulation, you can find:

  • clarification of important aspects of the law, such as the monitoring process and the notification procedure by the Ministry of Justice;
  • details on the required financial administration; and
  • which questions about the law's enforcement remain unanswered.