ICNL Global Forum 2015 opened

200 leading thinkers from 80 countries came together in Stockholm to assess the civil society stand and the possibilities for its advancement in the coming two days at Global Forum 2015: Shaping Civil Space.

ICNL Global Forum, convened every half-decade, is a global event focusing on the legal space for civil society. The invitation-only event brings together the world’s leading minds in civil society, government, multilateral institutions, and the donor community – all there to help shape the future of civic space.

The forum was opened yesterday by ICNL’s President Douglas Rutzen, and by Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Director-General of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, both emphasizing the timeliness of the forum. In too many places, governments are increasing efforts to shrink civic space.

UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon and US President, Barack Obama endorsed the power of civil society in progress and overcoming problems in their welcome videos on Sunday at the opening ceremony of ICNL Global Forum.

We live in times of unprecedented wealth and possibilities, but also of deep inequalities, transnational threats, conflict, turmoil, and intolerance. ICNL believes rightfully in the power of civil society and global citizenship to overcome these problems and to help shape our common future.

Throughout history, progress has been propelled by citizens coming together to insist that a better life is possible. Yet, in too many countries today, fundamental freedoms like freedom of association and freedom of speech are under attack. So your work in this Forum is more important than ever.... [S]trong, successful countries need strong, successful civil societies.

Participants from eighty countries will discuss foreign agent laws, hate speech and the freedom of expression, the Post-2015 development agenda, mass protests, government surveillance, counter-terrorism, restrictions on LGBTQIA+ rights, and other cutting-edge issues affecting civil society space.

ECNL staff as part of ICNL Alliance was engaged in preparations and will facilitate several sessions of the Forum - on fundraising regulation, meaningful participation, counter-terrorism, etc.

The Global Forum, convened by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), takes place in Stockholm from May 10-12, 2015 and is made possible by the support of the Government of Sweden through the Civic Space Initiative. For more information on the Global Forum, please or follow it with Twitter hashtag #ICNLforum2015.