Interview with Nilda Bullain published in Efekt

The nonprofit sectors are in a new phase of their development in the Visegrad countries.

Efekt, a Slovakian journal on NGOs published an interview with ECNL's executive director, Ms Nilda Bullain. Ms Bullain reflected on the issue that the Slovak NGO sector currently finished the first wave of discussion about its new legislation. As Ms Bullain points out, in recent years, all Visegrad countries have arrived to the stage where they are revisiting the basic framework legislation that was set up for NGOs 10-15 years ago. That is, the nonprofit sectors are in a new phase of their development - after the big boom of the nineties and a somewhat painful consolidation period in the recent years - they require new forms and rules of functioning, new resources and new relationships with their stakeholders. In the interview Ms Bullain provides a broader comparison with the models, approaches and practices of other EU member countries.