Macedonian Government Adopts Strategy for Volunteering

ECNL, in collaboration with its partner Konekt, provided significant input and support in developing the draft Strategy and helped the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to develop a text which incorporates good practices and trends in Europe.

On October 19, 2010 the Macedonian Government adopted a Strategy for Promotion and Development of Volunteering (2010-2015) and an accompanying action plan. The Strategy introduces a framework for promotion of volunteering by suggesting several actions such as: promoting volunteering through the educational system, organizing national campaigns to promote volunteering in the public and undertaking initiatives to recognize existing volunteer efforts. To support the implementation of the Strategy in practice the Government also adopted an action plan which details the specific tasks, responsibilities and timeframe.

The Strategy was adopted in highly participatory process. The draft was prepared by a cross-sector working group and in consultation with various stakeholders (CSOs, volunteers and other government bodies).

The development of the Strategy was supported by USAID Macedonia under the Civil Society Strengthening Project. The strategy can be downloaded from the web site of the Ministry of Labor: