Moldova Partnerships for Sustainable Civil Society (MPSCS) grants

Two calls for proposals for Moldovan CSOs are now open.

The Moldova Partnerships for Sustainable Civil Society (MPSCS) project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by FHI 360 and ECNL opened two calls for proposals from Moldovan CSOs. Support grants are available for Moldovan CSOs under the "Engage Program Partners" and "Support to Moldovan Civil Society Development" grant schemes.

Under "Support to Moldovan Civil Society Development" 3 selected CSOs will become FHI 360’s key partners in implementing the MPSCS project and will receive substantial technical assistance and funding to take over project implementation after 3 years. MPSCS will select 3 civil society organizations (CSOs) that have played a leading role in their sectors and have developed strong internal governance systems, functional partnerships/networks, and experience in providing support services to other CSOs in 3 priority areas:

  • Advocacy and constituency engagement;
  • Capacity development service provision; and
  • Civil society sector-related legal and regulatory reform, including advocacy for reforms.

"Engage Program" will support up to 20 CSOs throughout Moldova that have played a leading role in their fields to engage citizens in designing, developing, implementing, and monitoring advocacy and reform efforts and to become trusted recipients of funds from citizens, donors, and other public and private entities.

The applications are to be submitted by April 7, 2014.