New portal on CSO Self-Regulation

The database lists over 320 initiatives (codes of conduct, certification schemes, working groups, self-assessments and information services) across 80 countries.

The One World Trust (UK), in partnership with ECNL, has launched a portal on civil society self-regulation which includes a database listing over 320 initiatives (codes of conduct, certification schemes, working groups, self-assessments and information services) across 80 countries.

Each initiative has a unique page with summaries of its content; contact details; areas and types of activities the initiative addresses; a list of participant organisations; compliance, monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms; among others.

The launch of our database provides the first ever detailed stock-taking of the content and mechanisms of CSO self-regulation worldwide. In addition, the portal offers an interactive map of CSO self-regulatory initiatives linking directly to the database, briefing papers, and the latest news on CSO self-regulation. The portal will be an important tool for civil society organisations, donors, researchers and the general public interested in the self-regulation of the sector.

Please visit the site: