Round table on the effect of counter-terrorism measures on NGOs in Brussels

Counter-terrorism measures implemented by the EU may have a detrimental effect on the functioning and political room for manoeuvre of non-profit organisations operating both in and beyond the European Union.

A Round table on The effect of counter-terrorism measures on NGOs was organized on December 8 in the European Parliament in Brussels. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the effects of these measures on the operational space for NGOs and opportunities to fully review these measures.

The meeting brought together legislators, practitioners and experts with a view to addressing the issue from a range of perspectives. Representatives from European Institutions and various NGOs were invited, including Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove and JHA representative for the Swedish Presidency Hans Nilsson. On behalf of ECNL, Ms. Nilda Bullain Participated at the event. The basis for the discussion was the report titled Friend not Foe - Civil Society and the Fight Against Violent Extremism, commissioned by Cordaid, a Dutch development NGO.