UNV Report: Laws and Policies Affecting Volunteerism Since 2001

UNV commissioned ECNL and ICNL to carry out this global research study to consider trends and lessons in the development of supportive volunteerism policies and legislation.

Since the International Year of Volunteers (IYV) in 2001, governments, the United Nations system, civil society partners, and other stakeholders have increasingly recognized that volunteerism makes significant contributions to peace and development. The United Nations General Assembly specifically noted the importance of legislative and fiscal frameworks for the growth and development of volunteerism, and encouraged governments to enact such measures.

UNV commissioned this global research study to consider trends and lessons in the development of supportive volunteerism policies and legislation. An overall review was conducted in seven regions, complemented by country-specific case studies in each region. The study analyzes considerations in drafting and implementing volunteerism laws and policies, and highlights the need to tailor them to specific local, national, and regional contexts.

To view the research report, commissioned by UNV, funded by CIDA, and led by ECNL and ICNL, please click on the link below.

UNV Report - Laws and Policies Affecting Volunteerism