Mapping fundraising for CSOs

A monitoring guide to the regulatory environment for philanthropy.

ECNL, with the support of fundraising experts, developed this Monitoring Guide to help CSOs and other interested stakeholders to navigate in the complex web of legislation and self-regulation of fundraising methods. The document provides them with a tool to map out the legal and policy environment for private giving at the national level.

The aim of such mapping is to identify good practices as well as gaps that need improvement and reform. It is based on the areas of the Fundraising Principles that provide a global overview of current trends in fundraising regulation and self-regulation. It also builds upon the lessons learned from ECNL’s work in mapping out the environment for financial sustainability and philanthropy in several countries. It does not aim to imply that all these issues need to be regulated. It is important to provide basic legal guarantees, but at the same time it is crucial to avoid overregulation which might limit fundraising efforts. For example, there are countries where the authorisation requirements seriously inhibit public collection of funds. 

We consider this a living document that is reviewed and updated to reflect new issues and emerging needs. View and download the Monitoring Guide to the Regulatory Environment for Philanthropy below: