Call for applications

ECNL is seeking an expert on digital fundraising.

ECNL is currently seeking to contract a short-term expert on digital fundraising to contribute to expert meetings on the topic and organise a webinar on digital fundraising for CSOs. In April 2021, ECNL published a comparative research on the potential and risks of using digital technologies in fundraising available here. The research maps out the existing trends in the ecosystem and the field of fundraising. It attempts to raise awareness of the potential risks and challenges and provides an overview of the spectrum of global, regional and domestic policies that affect fundraising with new technologies. Based on these ECNL formulated a set of recommendations to facilitate further discussions for a better environment for digital fundraising. 

Description of assignment:

The Expert will be responsible to:

  • Help with organising and leading expert meetings on digital fundraising.
  • Organise a webinar for local CSOs that aim to raise awareness of the potential benefits and risks of using AI and other digital technologies in fundraising.
  • Support with developing a set of principles and recommendations on digital fundraising, if it proves needed based on the expert discussions.

For the purposes of this assignment fundraising is understood as the solicitation of voluntary philanthropic contributions from the public, either physically or online. Digital fundraising understood as is using digital channels and tools to reach donors with the goal of sparkling engagement and philanthropic giving. The types of fundraising methods include crowdfunding, SMS donation, donations through websites, the use of artificial intelligence and algorithmic systems, cryptocurrency and other digital technologies.

Please find below the complete text of the call for applications.