Call for Professional Polling/Public Opinion Research Services

ECNL is looking for proposals to conduct a public opinion poll on proposed changes to the EU AI Act.

Proposal deadline: 20 August 2022



The European Center for Not-For-Profit Law Stichting (ECNL) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to research and conduct the public opinion poll of European Union (EU) citizens on the introduction of national security exemption into the proposed AI Act. ECNL proposes to gain this understanding by polling a representative audience across a number of EU member states.


The EU commission has proposed a The European Union Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AI Act) in order to address ‘the risks of AI and positions Europe to play a leading role globally’. According to the European Commission website ‘It aims to address risks of specific uses of AI, categorizing them into 4 different levels: unacceptable risk, high risk, limited risk, and minimal risk’.  ECNL has been tracking the development of the EU AI Act and has become aware of an addition to the Act which grants a full exemption for technology used for the purposes of national security. This addition will lead to a wide range of governmental bodies, such as border force and the police, being exempt from any regulation put forward by the Act. For ECNL and other partner organisations, this is a cause for concern due to the impact that these technologies can have on the enjoyment of fundamental rights and civic space across Europe.

The provider will be responsible for the duties listed below:

  • Development of the survey instrument proposed for citizen opinion poll and the methodology to be employed for a statistically valid sampling of the citizens. The survey must be made available in English and local language of the Member State.
  • Format, translate, and print the questionnaire approved by ECNL English version (original) and local version.
  • Pre-test the formatted and translated questionnaire in local language.
  • Identify the population database used to design the sample of the survey.
  • Select a sampling approach for the survey, construct a sample, and identify a methodology for selecting respondents.
  • Describe the methodology to be used to examine the representatives of the achieved sample.
  • Conduct training of interviewers and enumerators.
  • Manage all aspects of fieldwork.
  • Code, enter and clean the data set.
  • Prepare electronic data file, marginal results, tabulations, and a methodological report.
  • A draft and final written report and presentation of results. The final report shall include at a minimum the framework and methodology used, key findings, and detailed findings; and conclusions and recommendations.
  • Debriefing presentations to ECNL program team.

For detailed information about the scope of the work, duration of assignment, qualifications and selection criteria as well as the submission procedure, please find the full tender dossier below

Deadline: 20 August, 2022 at 12:00 AM. Early submissions are welcome and appreciated. 

For any questions not answered in the tender dossier, please contact [email protected]