ECNL supports the development of transparent funding mechanism in Macedonia

ECNL is an expert consultant to the working group that supports the Macedonian Government and Unit for Cooperation with NGOs in developing recommendations for transparent selection criteria and procedures for governmental funding to CSOs.

ECNL provides expertise in developing a comparative paper on existing public funding mechanisms and criteria across Europe and designing the concept of the Macedonian public funding mechanism. This activity is a component of a bigger project which also aims to build the capacity of the Government Unit for Cooperation with CSOs, develop visibility measures to ensure the Unit's accessibility and visibility. During the first phase of the project ECNL provided support to the Government in developing a Strategy for Cooperation with the Civil Society Sector and an Implementation Plan.

The project is implemented by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (Macedonia) and COWI A/S (Denmark); it is funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction.