Meeting on Non-profit Sector Accountability and Transparency in Brussels

Improving transparency of NPOs at the EU level has been one of the Commission’s key objectives in the counter terrorist financing context.

On April 25, 2008 the DG Justice, Freedom and Security organized a meeting on non-profit sector transparency, where the Study Assessing the Extent of Abuse of Non-profit Organisations for Financial Criminal Purposes at EU level was presented. Through different presentations, the discussions focused on the outcome of the study, its recommendations and possible follow-up.

Improving transparency of NPOs at the EU level has been one of the Commission’s key objectives in the counter terrorist financing context. This study assesses at EU level the types and extent of financial crime, including terrorist financing in the non-profit sector. On behalf of ECNL, Ms Nilda Bullain attended the meeting and briefly introduced ECNL’s ongoing research on the Recent Public and Self-Regulatory Initiatives Improving Transparency and Accountability of NPOs in the EU. To learn more about ECNL's project, please click here.